The tragic fate of Kennedy Ouma, a 19-year-old miner, has come to a sorrowful close as his body was recovered from the depths of the collapsed shaft at Lumba village goldmine in Rarieda sub-county.
The harrowing incident, which occurred on May 1st, saw Ouma trapped under the rubble while three others narrowly escaped unscathed.
After days of tireless searching, the dedicated team, led by Samuel Olielo, finally located Ouma’s remains, bringing a semblance of closure to the agonizing ordeal.
“We managed to reach the site where our colleague, the late Ouma, was buried. With the invaluable assistance of the local community, we were able to retrieve his body,” Mr. Olielo shared with the Nation.
However, the passage of time had taken its toll, and Ouma’s body had already begun to decompose. Plans for his interment were promptly arranged.
“We succeeded in recovering the body at 2 a.m. Unfortunately, its condition is not optimal. We will commence preparations for the funeral without delay,” Mr. Olielo added solemnly.
Amidst the grief and loss, there is a sense of relief for Ouma’s family, who had endured agonizing days waiting for news of their loved one.
The successful recovery marks the beginning of their journey towards closure, allowing them to bid farewell to Ouma with the dignity and respect he deserves.
The body was taken to Lwak Mission mortuary awaiting autopsy.