Police in Bamburi have launched an investigation into the unexpected death of a 66-year-old Canadian national, Gregory John Kilgour, who was found lifeless in his residence.
Authorities are probing circumstances that suggest the deceased may have died while engaging in sexual activity alone.
According to his widow, 33-year-old Judith Awuor, the couple had been living together but in separate bedrooms.
A police incident report revealed that the couple had ceased conjugal relations a year ago due to trust issues.
“The police established that the two were married but had been sleeping in different bedrooms,” stated the report obtained by Kondele News.
When police arrived at the scene, Kilgour’s body was discovered in his bedroom. Disturbing details from the investigation noted that he was holding his genitalia with one hand while pornographic content played on his laptop.
“The deceased was found lying on his bed, his left hand holding his penis, with pornographic videos playing on his laptop,” the report further indicated.
Authorities are continuing investigations to determine the exact cause of death, and the body has been moved to a local mortuary pending a post-mortem examination.