Detectives from the Anti-Narcotics Unit (ANU) stationed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) have arrested a 27-year-old woman, Quinter Achieng Matengo, and recovered 2,000...
NYAKACH: Cattle rustlers in Nyakach succeeded in killing one of the people who thwarted most of their operations in the area,
A police incident report...
NYANDARUA: Nyandarua County Commissioner Abdirazaak Jaldesa faced hostility today when members of the public interrupted him while reading President William Ruto’s speech during a...
GEM: Chaos erupted in Nyabeda sub-location, Gem Yala Sub-County, after a 7-year-old boy, Michael Owino Alumba, was found murdered in Onono village on Wednesday...