In an emotional farewell filled with heartfelt tributes, Rachel Otuoma, widow of the late football star Ezekiel Otuoma, declared her enduring love for her husband, vowing to keep wearing his ring even after his burial.
“I still have the ring of the man who loved me. There are two rings, and I will not remove them,” she said firmly during the burial ceremony.
Reflecting on their four years of love, Rachel shared tender memories of the bond they shared.
“He was the love of my life. He loved me, and I loved him so much,” she added with a heavy heart.
Ezekiel Otuoma, remembered as one of the country’s finest midfielders, battled motor neuron disease, a rare and debilitating condition that ultimately claimed his life last year after a long, courageous fight.
Friends, colleagues, football fans, and leaders gathered at his burial in Gem sub-county, Siaya County, to honor the legacy of the fallen star.
Tributes highlighted his football prowess and the inspiration he brought to the sport.