Police in Kisauni are investigating the gruesome murder of an IEBC official, Aisha Akinyi Abubakar, who was attacked and killed in her home early yesterday.
Her son was also seriously injured in the violent assault.
According to a report filed at Bamburi Police Station, officers established that the attack occurred at approximately 3:00 a.m. in the Utange Mkunguni area.
Two unidentified assailants broke into the house by cutting the grills on the kitchen window. Armed with a crowbar and a knife, they launched a brutal attack on Abubakar and her son.
The report detailed that Abubakar, a senior IEBC official based in Kilifi, sustained a deep head wound, while her son was also struck on the head. After the assault, the attackers stole valuables from the house and fled into the night.
Despite his injuries, the son managed to drive his mother to Premier Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
He received medical treatment and remains hospitalized, awaiting discharge.
Authorities are intensifying investigations to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of the heinous crime.