
Siaya honors a political martyr, Austin Juma Omwombo, who was shot in anti-IEBC demos

Siaya Municipal Council and the County government have paid tribute to Mr. Austin Juma Omwombo, a youth who tragically lost his life while participating...

Mob lynch a man suspected of theft in Gem Yala.

GEM YALA: Earlier today, members of the public in Rarieda village, Gem Yala sub-county, took justice into their own hands, lynching a man suspected...

Pain as a youth 20 years drown in River Yala, Bondo

Bondo: A family in Bondo sub-county is gathered along the banks of River Yala as they continue the search for their missing relative who...

Five Police officers and four teachers hospitalized after an accident in Banisa, Mandera

MANDERA: Five police officers and four teachers are currently receiving treatment at Banisa Sub-County Hospital in Mandera County following their involvement in a vehicular...

Bizarre act after a man entered Bondo Catholic church and defecated on Holy statue

Police officers from Bondo Police Station have initiated a manhunt for a suspect who allegedly trespassed onto the premises of St. Andrews’ Bondo Catholic...
