Residents of Kamandura village, Kamirithu, Limuru, Kiambu County, are reeling from shock after the brutal killing of a 34-year-old mother of three. The woman was attacked yesterday by her recently separated husband, Paul Waweru Waithera, while returning home to her children from a Chama meeting.
Tragic Turn of Events
According to police reports, the village elder alerted authorities after discovering the woman’s mutilated body in a cornfield. Investigations revealed that the victim was walking home with another woman after attending a Chama meeting at Kamirithu Shopping Centre when Waithera ambushed them, armed with a crude weapon.
As Waithera seized the victim, her companion managed to escape and alerted the village elder. Tragically, by the time a search party reached the scene, the mother of three was already dead.
Suspect Commits Suicide
Shortly after the attack, Waithera was found dead, his body hanging from the roof of his house in an apparent suicide.
Crime Scene Investigators processed both scenes, and the bodies were moved to Tigoni Level IV Hospital mortuary for preservation. The incident has left the community shaken, as residents call for increased awareness of domestic violence and mental health support.